During the last 18 months, EALgreen has not only celebrated several notable achievements, we’ve also prepared the way for an even more productive future. First, we developed and implemented a new brand in support of a circular economy. Then, we revitalized our website and introduced a series of new communications for our donors, college and university partners and EALgreen scholars. You can watch the video of our celebration marking the milestone of raising $18,000,000 for 15,000EALgreen scholarships on our website!
We’re now on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter and would love to post about you!
Just send us a selfie along with your name, major, school, graduation year, email and snail mail address and we’ll send you a FREE EALgreen T-shirt as a gift! Then we’ll post your selfie as an EALgreen scholar on our Facebook page. It’s a great way to raise your profile as a successful student.
It’s part of our mission to help our corporate donors, college partners and EALgreen Scholars like you succeed in every way we can. Here’s more information on our work with each of these groups:
EALgreen scholars have always been the heart and soul of our organization. Ensuring your education is literally the main reason for our existence. It is an EAL tradition for students to write thank you notes to our CEO upon receiving their scholarships. This gesture is our way of empowering students within the process. This year we extended this tradition and asked students to send us a personal profile along with a selfie for our social media pages. This allows us to introduce these remarkable young men and women to our donors, board members and the general public, including future employers.
Colleges and Universities
We’ve expanded our inventory so we now offer a larger range of products to colleges and universities than ever before. These additional options allow our college partners to save more on provisions for their campus facilities as they enhance the learning environments for their students. Above all, it will enable them to put more of their financial resources toward EALgreen scholarships.
David Salmonson, our Director of Educational Partnerships, works across departments – facilities and financial – helping schools coordinate their efforts to make the most efficient use of EALgreen’s resources. Growing existing relationships and fostering new ones, David collaborates with facility managers, financial aid officers and others on the creation and implementation of strategic plans to expand their participation in EALgreen’s scholarship program.
We want to build the strongest possible relationships with all of our corporate donors and expand their number to include the fastest growing business segment in our economy – small independent businesses. Sustainability programs, especially those that involve EALgreen as a partner, offer businesses of all sizes significant savings and benefits. Moreover, helping support the education of the workforce of tomorrow is a wonderful way for every business to increase awareness of its brand and reputation within its industry and the community at large.
All of us at EALgreen are tremendously proud of our past accomplishments and look forward to doing even more in the years to come. Of course, we know that these achievements are only possible because of the generosity of our donors, the support of our college partners, the commitment of our board members and, above all, the dedication, ambition and hard work of EALgreen scholars like you A heartfelt thank you to all – for now and evermore.